Stall Booking modes
Stall Booking Instructions
To book your stall, please follow the steps below. We offer four ways to submit your booking request:
- Google Form
- Book Here
- AI Chatbot
How to Book:
Important: Please Choose only 1 method to apply for stall Booking.
Choose a method:
You can book your stall using one of the four options provided above.
Provide your details:
- For Google Form: Fill in the required fields and submit the form.
- For Email: Send an email with all the necessary details as per the instructions.
- For Book Here: Please enter all the necessary fields and upload the appropriate documents.
- For AI Chatbot: Provide your booking details directly in the AI chatbot stall booking option.
Verification Process:
After submitting your request, our team will verify your details. Please make sure all your information is accurate.
Once your profile is verified, you will receive a confirmation message if your stall is successfully booked.
Important: Please ensure that all the required information is provided correctly to avoid delays. Once your submission is reviewed and approved, we will confirm your stall booking via email or message.